

Ask About Our New Fast Track Program

Become Ordained Within Six Months

Earn your diploma in only one year and ordination in two years. Professional Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Counseling, programs offer new classes monthly.


Why choose Atlantian Mystery Schools over other programs or independent study?

We have been training hypnotherapists, spiritual counselors, astrologers and spiritual healers since 1995. Dozens of our graduate professional practitioners have gone on to establish their own business or to work in metaphysical centers. (Referrals available upon request.)


With life coaching now gaining in popularity, many clients who would have been hesitant to seek the counsel of the more esoteric practitioners are seeking guidance from spiritual life coaches.

With this in mind, we have now put forth a course of study that is especially geared toward clients who wish to find excellence in their lives. This is our spiritual life coaching program. You can gain a certificate as a spiritual life coach in as little as a year attending two classes per week, usually on a weeknight evening.


From time to time, we have classroom facilities available for rent. Rates are $150 per weekend day & $75 per evening rental for the larger hall. Intro & workshop $300 special includes Thursday night Saturday & Sunday.


 Call 404-252-4540 to reserve your class or for more information.  

Hoot Owl Attic


The mission of Atlantian Mystery School is to offer a course of study suitable for  seekers at every level of their journey. Our courses give a firm basis for developing the innate skills necessary to become a professional psychic, energy healer, life coach or astrologer. These courses are equally beneficial for the advanced or casual student and are a wonderful basis for everyone with a strong desire for self knowledge, an understanding of others and the workings of Universal energies. With the exception of our ordination program, all courses are non-sectarian and those from every spiritual path will feel comfortable. The ordination program offers courses of study based in Buddhism, Kabbalah, Mystical Christianity, Shamanism and Wicca.


The Dr. Raymond Moody School of Mysticism, a division of Atlantian Mystery Schools Doctorate of Divinity Program has starting dates throughout the year. Call The Inner Space for dates and details. Graduates of the Raymond Moody School ordination program are eligible to attend.

For Information on Atlantian TempleĀ  Ordination Program and the Doctorate in Divinity Program, click on the torch.

email info@AtlantianMysterySchool.com

Click on the Library for Upcoming Course Offerings.


email info.AMS@oracle2020.com

Upcoming Classes

6558 Vernon Woods Drive, Sandy Springs, GA 30328, 404-252-4540

Our Classes are Held at The Inner Space unless otherwise noted.